Incoming FST

The time inevitably comes when the replacement team has to be advised of the conditions that they will find when they arrive. The temptation was always there but was resisted…….  The next team was under the leadership of Major Brian Stock. He was given the “good news” by Sam Janikoun that he and his  crew were to go out to Salalah in August of 1972. No good account of the conditions that might await them seemed to filter down from the RAMC heirarchy in MOD and quite naturally he wrote to Joe for help.

Joe responded and gave a good account of what might be expected in the matter of day to day living on the base. No record appears to survive of the difficulties and frustrations in the supply chain.

Joe responded and gave a good account of what might be expected in the matter of day to day living on the base. No record appears to survive of the difficulties and frustrations in the supply chain.

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