Tawi Atair was a settlement near a sink hole, which gave it the name, in the Eastern Jebel which along with JibJat and Medinat al Haq (White City) were begun to be made safe for civil developement in 1972. Wells had to be drilled at Jibjat and White City but there was water aplenty at Tawi Atair. It was however at the bottom of a deep sink hole.
The locals had a system by which they went to the bottom, filled waterskins and then six women hauled on a rope and brought it to the top for the cattle. Obviously it was hard work for the women but the men were always otherwise engaged on important business and so were unable to help.
The RE took on the task of installing a pump at the bottom of the hole and pumping it up to the surface.
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These diagrams were provided by the late Col “Knobby” Reid on the Veterans Tour in 2010
These photographs are taken from the northwest of Tawi Atair and from the viewing platform on the side of the hole. The last is from Google.
Descriptions of engagements around Tawi Atair are found in “Monk in the SAS” and in “SAS ; Secret War”